Do you still get excited at Christmas time ?
Remembering the fun days when children still believed in Santa brings back the fun. I find that watching films brings back the memories when my children were little and believed in Father Christmas. I suppose we all go through that phase in life when we can hear the jingle bell and listen out for the multiple jingles telling the young child Santa is coming to town ?

Christmas has been quite a bleak period for me this year 2023. After a tough year personally, I seek some solace in the quietness of the house with just me in it. I am the Hermit it seems; People that once visited at this time of year now work all hours, some picking up or thinking about new jobs and some working intense hours or “shifts” and then there is me. I am on leave from a job, going nowhere, because I cant carry over leave, but considering my recent pressures of life, I am grateful to have some "me time", at this time of year.

Some readers participated in the following quiz I made up in my boredom of leave - in a family whats-app, it came down to three players in the end, others probably were busy, maybe having no time to answer stupid questions about Christmas films - maybe I still will be surprised. So here is a second chance for you folks to answer the 9 questions posed which are part of this blog. Happy Christmas everyone who knows me.

The Quiz for all and freshers (answers at the end)

I must admit, Christmas films are the best movies which are bashed out around this time of year and like me, you’ve probably seen them a few times now. I do think they make things feel like it’s a happier time. The daily news sometimes being frightening, volcanoes erupting, earthquakes in a cold devastated China and people still fighting over land and that is just today's news.

Quiz :

  1. Which film had the line “they said it was impossible to teach women to read" (3 points)
  2. what is this film, not a seasonal movie, but a favourite coming of age movie for girls(2 points)
Question #2

a) in the film one actress went on to act with Aiden Turner in Poldark (2 points)

b) What is the fancy dress worn by Georgia to the tune of "She's so Lovely" (2 points for the answer and a point for the group who sang the song?)

  1. A record producer goes back to his home town ten years after being rejected by his high school crush in 1995 (clue in the poster) - 2 points for the film and 2 points for the song sung by the male lead first recorded by All 4 One?)

  1. The Polar Express Questions

i) What is the date the film was set 24/12/1956 - 24/12/1949 or 24/12/1965 (5 points)

ii) What song is sung by the Elves when Santa comes out to his sleigh?(1 point) and 2 points if you can say who sings it (Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé or Bing Crosby?)

iii) The song appears in three other movies , (at least of famous prestige, that is) - to get the answer the lead actors initials and the year of the films (1992, 2003 and 2007) were given - the actor's initials being respectively being MC, WF and VV - 3 points for the film titles and 3 for the actors).

Regarding the return trip.....

    1. Billy's ticket is punched with two words which when turned over three times , the 2nd word of each ending in 'n' - what does it say to Billy (3 points).
    2. Holly is given the words Lead which she mispronounces as "Led" but it suggests leadership skills - what in your opinion were they (3 points)
    3. Chris loses the bell - How does he lose it ? He also thinks it a dream when he wakes up -Why? and What makes him believe at the end of the film (3 points total)
    4. Bonus point - which rock star appears as an Elf before the train departs with lyrics that say "Up here where its freezin everybody needs some heat, no more ringy dingy time to get up on your feet - yeah

5 Elf questions

    1. Whats the eleven code ? ( 3 points)
    2. Take a selfie in a Buddy excitement face (4 points)
    3. What does Buddy buy his dad which is something special from Gimbels ( 1 point)
    4. In the Poem below - there are 6 Elf Characters - unjumble the anagrams in the poem (6 points)
    5. Extra point was for a selfie


The love for Vojie, brings a Gimbel Bell
When a B’ Blasted Throw creates all snowball hell
Limbs Who Be see none such malice
As Buddy has fun with the M Chalice
Slim Finche is the angry elf
Flea Paf raised him all by his self

6 Opening lines
(2 points each)

  1. Looks like we'll have to send someone down. A lot of people asking for help …
    2. Hey, kid, kid. Kid, who's in charge here?
    You are. And I'm not a kid. I've pointy shoes that are older than you.
    I'm an elf.
    Uh, you guys, or you girls– Who gives the orders? Who's your boss?
    - You are. - No, no, no. Uh-
    - W-Who's the head elf? - You are.
    Hey! Who's causin' all the trouble around here?
    - He is. - She is.
    3. This old house Sure is looking good "Got ourselves the finest snowman In the neighborhood." Ain't it fun? "Always on the run That's how it's done”

7. Is about naming Disney Films (1 point for each)

For a bonus point - if Mickey is a mouse, Donald is a Duck and Pluto is a dog - what in your opinion is Goofy?

Village nitwit or Super Humanoid?
  1. Was to produce a legal case for or against Die Hard being a Christmas Movie (10 points for the best answer)
Yippee Kye A
  1. Finally it was about being Home Alone ? * 20 points were on offer here (10 for the best caption for #1 = 3 for the mum questions #2 and 4 for #3 and 3 for the selfie Kevin Face #4?

Probably the hardest 4 questions ?

Answers (96 points could be had)

Less than 30 - Bah humbug you rambling fool !

30 points - FFS get some egg nog down you and beware of the ghosts this year

40 points - Have a Jolly Holly one

50 plus you sleigh me !!

over 60 - send me some Christmas cheer on whats-app, messenger or whatever!