Lately, I've been assessing my life skills. I find that I can't make a bed without snapping a tendon in my finger. Really!

There I was tucking the sheet in between the mattress and the bedframe and "snap" - Mallet Finger, yes it exists, and I have been to A&E to prove it.

If your finger is at an odd angle - then go to A&E 

It really hurt and I now wonder if I can play the guitar again. So was in a splint for 6 weeks. Then a further two weeks. Luckily, I can still type to construct this post and work and is probably why amongst other medical things why I have been absent for a while - sorry about those folks.

The finger is still a bit inclined downwards but it's not so painful.

So here's a short Blog on some:

Life Skills

What do we need to keep up with life?

Do you ever wonder how to keep fit or just enjoy your later life?

Life can be complicated and challenging at any age, but us seniors face a special set of issues all their own. Yes, I classify myself now as a "senior", In a world where someone is always throwing medicine at you for ailments, you might consider the many benefits of swimming.

I have a friend, who swims most days and not just swimming four lengths of a pool, (like I do, after my 25-minute aerobic workout and steam / sauna, 3 times a week); No, I am thinking over 50 lengths in one session and of an Olympic pool too. How I wish, I could emulate that feat and why would I do it.

I see many seniors in my local pool going up and down and up and down. You would think, having been in the Navy, I was great at swimming huh?  Not really, I just about passed my swimming test at sixteen at HMS Ganges but can swim a bit to save my life, I suppose.

But hey, below are some reasons why swimming is good for you.

  1. Swimming improves bone health, you put yourself in a better position with respect to mineral density, potential fractures and osteoporosis.

I am thinking now that working out in water strengthens you too and having read an article this week that simply walking in water (if the depth is decent - doing this for a length or two is good for you); as age naturally weakens your body, but you can counteract the force of nature by strength training with water aerobics.

I may be able to manage my weight, any chronic pain, diabetes and other complications of aging, by forging a stronger body through swimming.

They say that Swimming gives you more brain power, but any exercise does provide better thinking skills and sharpens your memory.

I try to workout at least three times a week and consider that my 'regular exercise'. Science has repeatedly proven the value of staying active to the brain.

I could probably go on that swimming makes your heart healthier, it tones your muscles; (The stronger your muscles are, the more they can support your skeletal structure and that gives your body a hand-in-hand balance with the workload). it will ease any stress aids flexibility and probably this means quality of life is enhanced too.

So, as I get older, I am visiting the doctor's surgery a bit more these days. In fact, I am becoming a bit of a regular. The amount of blood tests for this, blood tests for that, I am officially obese and at 16 stone 6Ibs, in September with some diet control, today on November 15th; I am 15 stone 2Ibs.

I am targeting 14 Stone 8 before Christmas but that might be hard.

Some other friends, who are in their eighties love to dance and having seen them they look brilliant together and frankly, I wish I could dance those steps.

Dancing is apparently the best form of exercise; dancing gives you both aerobic and anaerobic fitness. With running, (I do this on a treadmill these days and only short bursts) - you may only target your aerobic. With resistance training, you may only get anaerobic. Both types are very important, and our bodies need a combination of the two for maximum health. So, get up and dance or as they say on Strictly "Keep Dancing".

Sunshine aids your vitamin D intake and it has been really too hot to go outside for any long period this summer and my recent holiday in Rhodes produced a whopping 29 degrees on some days and then you have the life skill of getting rid of those pesky insect bites and those really awful B***rds that ruin your outside "me time" - wasps.

Get a Mosquito band if you go to Greece

But of late, this autumn and now winter is coming it's about rain, rain and more rain. Betting there is still low water in the reservoirs and water rates will go up with council tax and everything else after Thursday's budget.

What's Next Vince?

Next, there is the 'man check' - it's what happens when you get over sixty for us males to contend with, not much you can do about that except hope and so next it's an MRI - I also have had a Fibro scan on my liver and a diabetic eye check, whatever next?

Prostate Cancer UK Pin Badge

So, since I started seeing the boys on Sky Sports supporting this worthy cause, I wear my pin too every day. I just try and live for today with my dreams of having some form of retirement and to see England, maybe winning the World Cup and that starts next week - I will be writing a short history of that in my next Blog.

So long for now, hoping you are not as lonely as I sometimes feel now, I have the "empty nest" for real.

Yes, both stepdaughters have moved out and I finally have a spare room but the amount of stuff that is left behind worries me, where is it all going to go, and will I get my bedroom back?


Empty Nest

Lonely, here, every day, where once the kids used to play
Lonely here, it's hard to do, to find such joy all day through,
Hardly moving, hardly thinking, what's next for me, I'm tired, I'm drinking
Lonely here, I want to say, I miss my young ones every day

Lonely days and lonely nights, no family rules, no family fights,
Lonely hours, lonely world, please bring back my lovely girls
Hardly hearing. hardly working, it's dark too soon, it's overbearing,
Lonely man, all forlorn, I wish those days were now reborn

Empty Nest Syndrome 

Lonely me and lonely you, there's not much time to see it through
Lonely bed, lonely shame, to know tomorrow will be the same.
Hardly saying I love you, hardly meaning thoughts of you,
Lonely memories, surely now, I should be your one somehow

Lonely shouldn't be the deal, but loneliness is what I feel,
Lonely daily, it's lonely now, I need to find a way somehow.
Hardly facing challenge here, it's time to face my greatest fear,
Lonely past times, of days gone by, this empty nest, it makes me cry