My old dad used to say "laughter is the best medicine". I think because he was an avid readers digest fan and of which had a regular feature page in its periodical. The little magazine is still popular today an costs around £22 for a subscription per month. God knows what my dad paid, he probably got it from the local surgery and walked off with it, he was there often enough. I wouldn't see him subscribing to something like this as their budget could not cater for it. But he used this saying all the way to the hospice he passed away in 2006.
My big sister Chris took him to the Hospital once and during the session with the Indian doctor he pulled out a banana. "Dad" she cried out "What, I'm hungry" he said. The little session room broke down with laughter and the doctor gave him his prognosis "Prostate Cancer" .
I believe that laughter connects you with people and some say laughing can save your life. This may sound a little dramatic but there are studies which reveal laughter lowers blood pressure, reduces stress and releases the happiness endorphins that fight bacteria and respiratory infections . There is even a study showing that repeated laughing or smiling actually burns calories. But I think, one has to do other thinks to lose a couple of stone!

Laughter is infectious, I often think of Norman Wisdom laughing or some impressionist doing Norman or you might have seen people on trains laughing down their phone see this example.
People are naturally drawn to those who are happier and more positive than others so I suppose the bottom line is laughing is good for you and it makes you popular , too. Seriously for the good of your health, lighten up.
If you don't smile enough learn to be relaxed and smile when listening to other people speak. Act positive even if you may not feel that way inside and seek breaks that are fun from your normal everyday routine.

I watched a comedy the other day on ITVX, the streaming platform and it made me reminisce about my early days. The accident prone, Frank Spencer was staying in what appeared to be a relative of Betty's house. The relative was an architect and had built this house with all the mod cons and needed to convince an American buyer to build more of them- well it was a smart house as far as the 1970s could predict. Within 30 minutes, Frank had wrecked the toilet, brought leaks into the electric control room and wet the bed.
The expression "some mothers do have them" was once a common British euphemism to refer to a foolish or inept person. Yes you've probably met them and I have written about some of them that I have met in these blogs. Remember NAM Plank for example?
Anyhow, the series was supposed to be called Have a Break, Take a Husband. Now it appears this latter matrimonial term is about to change too. I wonder if I am now, considered to be a “doesband”. I wonder if there are some of my male readers who also marry into this term.
If you are a “doesband”then it refers to a husband who has his own hectic job, but still does his fair share at home Without Being Asked,” writes Harriet Walker, the Times journalist who coined the term. She says “A doesband knows where the Calpol is and when ballet kit is needed … He gets up with the children and does bedtime; he feeds them, bathes them, does the school run; knows when their nails need to be cut and that behind their ears can get gunky.”
I did some of this in my early life but my women were always better at the above but now working from home. I find myself killing time and enjoying cleaning the house and being well - just happy in my work.
I guess its the new world we live in is where women have the equality they deserve and where the man shares the wealth and the household chores and of course happiness rules.
I must admit that sometimes, I wake up unhappy. Thinking about getting older and how much time is left in the world. But its important that you identify the things that drain your happiness. Life is brief, enjoy it and laugh more.
For your own sake, I would suggest spending less time with unhappy and depressing people and do not let their energy and attitude bring you down. If someone is depressed though be the one who lightens the mood by...
Laughing and smiling
Remembering the Wonder Years
Of laughter , joy and happy tears
Oh Frank!, Norman, we laugh at the fool
But not to be mean and not to be cruel
Because they make us laugh, they make it fun
The blood pressure drops the endorphins run
Laugh more, live more, my old dad said
Don't waste your life by lying in bed
Rise and shine and smile some more
Be the Doesband, do the chore
Be positive to any negativity
and "smile " - increase longevity